Sherry Landin
I have been a football fan since I was a child. One of the best games that I remember took place in a 1975 when was 9 years old. It was a playoff game for Super Bowl X between the Minnesota Vikings and the Dallas Cowboys. I can remember that day vividly in mind as if it was yesterday. My mother was a huge Dallas Cowboy’s fan, and she couldn’t take the pressure of them having the ball in the last few seconds of a game. It was a “win-lose” situation. On this day, I watched her run down the hall and hide until that play was over. In the last few seconds of the game, quarterback, Roger Staubach, threw the forever famous “Hail Mary Pass” and won the game. When he was asked about the winning throw his exact words were, “I closed my eyes and said a Hail Mary.” Most people think of football as who wins or loses the game. I think of football as a happy childhood memory.

Beth Sturges
I’ve always been something of a sports fan. I love to attend live games and indulge in stadium food! As the stepmom of seven children, I’ve also learned my fair share about cooking for a crowd. When you can take two passions and combine them, magic happens! Whether at home watching the Super Bowl or outside at a tailgate, I love to bring the fun and food together!

Katie Whewell
As long as I can remember, I’ve been cooking. My mom had both my brother and me in the kitchen at an early age because everyone eats, so everyone needs to know how to cook. It’s now one of my favorite hobbies as an adult. I love food and whether it’s baking, grilling, or just tossing ingredients in a Crock Pot, I’m having a good time. I constantly look for new recipes to try and then end up changing them so they’re my own. I think the best way to bring people together is through food. And, of course, no sporting event is complete without something good to eat!