Questions for Katie

Where do you find your recipes?

A lot of what I cook comes from my childhood – recipes that my mom or other family members made that have been passed down. I also use Pinterest and different pages on Facebook to find recipes. I almost always find something to tweak with them, though. I like to add my own flair to them which usually involves spice or other seasoning. My husband is Thai, so we eat a lot of spicy foods. If they aren’t spicy to begin with, they are after I make them!

What are your favorite kitchen tools?

I think everyone should own a slow cooker. Some people are busy and some people just don’t like to cook. Either way, slow cookers are life savers because you literally dump all of your ingredients in, turn it on, and forget it for a few hours. You can prep a week’s worth of meals in about 30 minutes, put them in the freezer, thaw them overnight and drop it in the pot in the morning. It’s so simple. I also love parchment paper. I never used it until I was an adult and there’s so many dishes it’s saved from sticking to the pan. A good-sized wok is another good investment. I use mine for fried rice and a number of Asian dishes, but it’s also very helpful when you need to fry or sauté large portions. For my squash casserole, I have to cook down a lot of squash and onions before it goes in the pan to bake. I always break out my wok because it holds more and your ingredients won’t spill over the high sides.

Questions for Sherry

What’s your favorite team?

If I had to pick one team as my favorite team, it would be the Dallas Cowboys. Since I grew up in a football family, all I could remember was my mother talking about Roger Staubach and the Dallas Cowboys, and my dad kidding her about the team. I know Roger Staubach is retired now, but it’s something about the Dallas Cowboys that has stuck in my mind. Maybe it’s the fond childhood memories that I have sitting in the living room with my parents and watching them play. When I was little I remember my dad picking on my mom when they messed up a play or teasing her about Mr. Staubach not throwing the ball correctly into a receiver’s hand. I guess that’s why she always ran to the bedroom when a game had a “win or lose” play in it. Although I don’t watch as much football today, those memories always come back every time I watch a game whether or not it’s the Dallas Cowboys playing in it.

Who’s your favorite football player?

My all-time favorite player is Terry Bradshaw. He was a quarterback for the Pittsburg Steelers from 1970 to 1983. Mr. Bradshaw was know for his powerful arm and throws. He took the Steelers to four Super Bowl wins. I remember watching the last two Super Bowl wins in 1979 and 1980. Mr. Bradshaw was named Super Bowl MVP in both those years. According to Eric Harrison, an NFL analyst at, he is listed as one of the Top 25 greatest quarterbacks of all time. After retiring from football, he joined Fox NFL Sunday in 1994 and works today as a co-host for pre-game shows.

Questions for Beth

What’s it like having seven stepchildren?

My husband and I knew each other in high school, but lost touch when he moved his senior year. Many years later, we reconnected on social media and hit it off. I’ve always wanted to have a large family, so marrying someone with seven children didn’t phase me. We all get along well, which makes everything work smoothly. I love them all dearly and can’t imagine life without them.

What’s your favorite food?

It’s impossible to choose just one! Truly! My husband and I are definitely foodies. There are very few foods we would decline to try. My favorite types of restaurants are German, Indian, Mexican, and Italian. My favorite foods to cook are lasagna, chicken enchiladas, chili, Filipino short ribs, spicy grilled shrimp, and gooey cheese fries.